Flu Vaccination Clinics

The flu, or influenza, is a respiratory infection that affects about 25% of the United States population every year. An infected employee is highly contagious before symptoms even occur, allowing the disease to spread freely. This can negatively affect businesses by causing employees to miss work. Flu vaccines save you money. They can create significant reductions in absenteeism and costs associated with influenza illness among working adults.
This is why Richfield Community Pharmacy holds flu vaccination clinics! We believe that the best way to vaccinate against the flu is to offer the immunization in the workplace. We are willing and happy to come to staff meeting, lunch break, or whatever time constraint will work best for you and your employees to administer the vaccination.
The best time to hold a flu vaccination clinic is during the months of September to December. We can bill your place of business or individual employee insurances. If you have any suggestions as to how we can better accommodate your business with this service, please don’t hesitate to discuss it with us.
To schedule a flu vaccination clinic for your business, please complete the attached Flu Vaccination Clinic Registration Form and return it by email to richfieldpharmacy@gmail.com or by fax to 435-893-6809. You can also schedule by giving us a call at 435-896-6808.
Each employee will need to fill out an Informed Consent for Vaccination Form in order to receive their flu shot.
We offer this service to all types of businesses, including, but not limited to:
- Corporations
- Nursing Homes
- Small Businesses
- Assisted Living Facilities
- Country Clubs
- Community Groups
- Civic Groups
- Church Groups
Please contact us with any questions your business or organization may have. We look forward to working with you!